Displaying 821 - 830 of 910

Lessons from MicroSave's Action Research Programme 2001 (Brief Note)

What has MicroSave learnt about product development processes?

Microenterprise Development in the United States: Closing the Demand Gap

ACCION's attempts to become customer-friendly

Creating a Microcredit Resource Center in Western Europe: Feasibility Study & Business Plan

Towards creating a better environment for microfinance in Western Europe
Case Study

Dropouts in Northern Province, South Africa

What are the reasons for dropouts? Too much rigidity or leniency?

Future Challenges Facing the MFIs of Bangladesh: Choice of Target Groups, Loan Sizes and Rate of Interest

For what challenges should Bangladeshi microfinance institutions prepare?

Signposts to the Provision of Market Led Microfinancial Services

How do you assess whether a MFI is becoming a market-led institution?

The Emerging Market-led Microfinance Agenda

What do the clients need?
Case Study

La Financiera Nica: Microfinance Growth Strategy in Rural Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua

How did 'La Financiera Nica' decide to set up operations in Nicaragua?

The Systematic Product Development Process

What is the systematic approach to product development?
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave-Africa Research Plan: Assessing the Demand for Micro Insurance in East Africa

The process of demand assessing in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda