Displaying 821 - 830 of 851

Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How

What outcomes should assessors look out for?

The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development

Analyzing the impact of training on women's microenterprise development

Microfinance and the Empowerment of Women - A Review of the Key Issues

Empowerment cannot be assumed to be an automatic outcome of microfinance programmes for women

African Microenterprise AIDS Initiative: Preventing the Spread of HIV/AIDS by Empowering Women in Africa

How does the African Microenterprise AIDS Initiative intend to combat HIV/AIDS in the continent?

Making the Poor Women Reach Markets: "SEWA's Journey"

Discussing SEWA's approach in organizing rural members

Study to Determine the Special Needs of Women in the Micro-enterprise Development Sector

Increasing women's participation in microenterprise development
Case Study

Integrating Empowerment in Microfinance: Case of a Self-help Group (SHG) Based Organisation

Evaluating impact of self-help groups on gender relations

Impact of Credit with Education on Mother's and Their Young Children's Nutrition: CRECER Credit with Education Program in Bolivia

Mixing micro credit, education and health: Interesting results from Bolivia

Microenterprise Lending to Female Entrepreneurs: Sacrificing Economic Growth for Poverty Alleviation?

How do male and female entrepreneurs differ in their use of credit?