Displaying 151 - 160 of 274

From Post-Tsunami Emergency Assistance to Livelihood Recovery in South India

Facilitating post-disaster economic rehabilitation through microfinance

Fall and Recovery. Disruption and Catching Up Effects after Tsunami on a Sample of MFI Borrowers

How effective is microfinance as a recovery tool after a natural disaster?

Microfinance in Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Situations: Turning Victims into Shareholders

Explores the possible role of MFIs and member-owned institutions in post-disaster reconstruction

Microinsurance & DRR: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change

Identifying strategies for Christian Aid’s involvement in crop insurance

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

Dealing with Adversity through Diversity

Providing social reinsurance to underwrite health risks in case of disasters

Early and Broad Sectoral Interventions for Rapid Microfinance Development: Evidence from West Africa

Developing microfinance in post-conflict environments

Livelihoods, Migration and Remittance Flows in Times of Crisis and Conflict: Case Studies for Darfur, Sudan

Examining impact of conflict on migration and remittances