Displaying 71 - 80 of 697

IFC Partners With Evocabank to Support Smaller Businesses, Boost Resilience and Drive Recovery in Armenia

Even before the COVID-19 crisis, access to finance was the biggest obstacle for doing business in Armenia. Has it increased following the pandemic?


COVID-19 Loans for MSMEs Reach PHP 4.3 Billion

The loans approved under the COVID-19 Assistance to Restart Enterprises program is said to have benefited 29,816 enterprises in the Philippines.


COVID-19 Second Wave Takes a Toll on Digital Payments

Digital payment transactions have fallen sharply between April and May after sustaining a rising trend till March, hit by the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in India.

FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 20 May - 02 Jun 2021

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks


More Nigerians to Benefit From COVID-19 Loan

The Central Bank of Nigeria, through NIRSAL Microfinance Bank, has announced the reopening of its portal for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises and households affected by COVID-19 to access up to $70,000.


Sao Tome and Principe: World Bank Boosts Improvements in the Banking System, Access to Finance

This $7 million financing for the ongoing Institutional Capacity Building Project will help scale-up activities with the Central Bank of Sao Tome and Principe and support system modernizations as part of the COVID-19 mitigation response.

Slide Deck

COVID 19 Impact on Financial Service Providers

This slide deck presents the summary of analysis on how the pandemic impacted MFI liquidity, portfolio quality, and solvency through the end of 2020, and forward looking stress tests, with solvency scenarios for the FMI sector.


Surviving 2020: Lessons on Resilience from Kenya’s Covid Diaries


FinAccess MSE COVID-19 Tracker

This survey provides data on how micro firms in Kenya have responded to and coped during the COVID-19 pandemic.


State of the Economy: Focus on Digitisation and the Impact of COVID-19 on MSEs

In Kenya, the trend of divergent impact continues, with macroeconomic resilience masking sustained inequalities and divergence in recovery.