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External Webinar

Leadership in the Time of COVID-19: Guidance for Financial Service Providers

In this webinar, Accion is highlighting partners from different regions of the world to share how they are ​supporting their clients, staff, and business operations as the pandemic crisis unfolds.

FinDev Blog

COVID-19: Why Policymakers Need A Gender-focused Approach for Health and Economic Recovery

Based on the evidence thus far, the global pandemic has the potential to deal a one-two punch: a major global health crisis and a global economic crisis that will persist well after the slowing down of the immediate health emergency. While these shocks affect everyone, women - who comprise 1.5 billion of the world’s low-wage workers and twice as many of its carers - may be particularly vulnerable to the economic and health crises that unfold in the wake of COVID-19.


50 Nations Promised Cash to Fight COVID-19

50 nations promised cash to fight Covid-19, but few, like India and Bangladesh, are doing it right. India’s trinity of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and mobile communications — or JAM — can work wonders if it is used extensively to reform citizen–state engagement.

External Webinar

COVID-19 Coping Strategies for the Microfinance Ecosystem


The COVID-19 Client Interview Tool for Financial Service Providers

A set of standardized questions FSPs can use to interview their clients during the pandemic.

Guide / Toolkit

Using Comics for COVID-19 Awareness

Creating awareness of the dangers of COVID and precautions that should be taken

SME Finance Responses to COVID-19 in AFI Member Countries

What measures are governments taking to mitigate and recover from the pandemic?

The Effects of Income Changes on Child Labour

A review of evidence from smallholder agriculture

Learning Brief: VSLA and CARE Adaptations to COVID-19 and Past Crises

Examples and experiences of mitigating measures to lessen the impact and adapt during the pandemic

Supervising Corporate Governance During Crises

Ten key issues that boards and senior management teams need to address