Displaying 351 - 360 of 697

Preserving Liquidity: Policymaker Responses to COVID-19 and the Impact on Low-Income Customers

Initial lessons learned and suggestions for dealing with the current and future crises

COVID-19 and Disruptions to Vulnerable Rural Livelihoods in the Sahel

What interventions can effectively mitigate these shocks and build the resilience of the rural poor?

Relief for Informal Workers: Falling Through the Cracks in COVID-19

Recommendations for medium-term program improvements to reach the "informal poor"
Slide Deck

Analysis of India’s Payment System Indicators in Quarter 2 2020

Key trends and insights on five categories of payment system indicators

Digital Cash Transfers in Times of COVID-19

Opportunities and considerations for women's inclusion and empowerment


COVID-19 Impact on International Migration, Remittances, and Recipient Households in Developing Asia

Urge for governments to propose policy measures reducing economic and social fallout caused the pandemic

A COVID Perspective on Nepal Microfinance

Advisory Note on the liquidity of MFIs in Nepal

Call for Case Studies: Good Practices in Risk Management for Agri-SME Finance Under COVID-19

This is an opportune time to take a close look at what tools exist in agricultural risk management that can be deployed both to address the current crisis and to build resilience for the future.

FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 23 - 29 Jul 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week


Drop in Remittances to Hurt Consumption in Philippines

Moody’s said the fall in remittances could further widen the current account deficit of the Philippines and other countries.