Displaying 321 - 330 of 697

COVID-19 and Remittance Flows in Nepal: Potential Turning Point for Development

Can this unprecedented crisis push Nepal to reform and absorb its human capital?


Why the Economic Response to COVID-19 Needs to Be Financially Inclusive and Gender Sensitive

Steps policymakers and regulators can take to advance women’s financial inclusion


Has the Pandemic Spared Cambodia? Liquidity Considerations of Cambodia's Large MFIs

Advisory Note on liquidity/growth of microfinance institutions in Cambodia


The Liquidity Challenge for Pakistan’s Microfinance Banks

M-CRIL Advisory Note on the liquidity of microfinance banks in Pakistan


Digital Technology in Social Assistance Transfers for COVID-19 Relief: Lessons From Selected Cases

Considering some of the early lessons around the use of digital technology for COVID-19 related transfers

Effects of a Universal Basic Income During the Pandemic

Can cash transfers mitigate the impact on poor families during the crisis?

IFC Helps Banco Agricola Increase Access to Finance, Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic in El Salvador

The financing package aims to support micro, small and medium enterprises, women-owned SMEs, housing for underserved segments, and climate-smart investments, including green buildings.

FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 13 - 26 Aug 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks


COVID-19 Hits Remittances To Vietnam

Overseas remittances are expected to fall short of the target this year due to the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdowns around the world.


India: Government Survey To Focus on Migrant Woes and Assess Remittance Risk

The household survey will also capture remittance risks to the rural economy until the pandemic is contained.