All News and Announcements

Showing 251 - 260 of 430

Zambian Fintech Startup, Lupiya Receives $1 Million Investment From Engyma Ventures

Microfinance startup Lupiya has received an investment of $1 million from a US Venture Capital fund Enygma Ventures.


Vancity Loans $740k to Brighter Investment for Education Microfinance in Africa

Brighter Investment Investor Relations Manager Belinda Kuglenu argues that although school closures, rising unemployment rates and falling wages may result in delayed distributions to investors, the outlook for "long-term returns remain strong."


Savings Groups Cushioning Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Zambia

As the world continues to face economic turmoil resulting from the COVID-19, communities in Zambia are turning to informal savings groups to cushion the impact of the pandemic.


Africa Leaders Urge Closer Ties Amid Post-COVID "Better Normal"

Central banks in Africa are responding to COVID-19 by investing in practical solutions that bring disadvantaged groups into formal financial services, accelerating their ability to recover and build resilience against future crises.


COVID-19 Creates Opportunities for Mass Adoption of Fintech in Bulgaria

The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it triggered gave the fintech sector in Bulgaria a chance to see various opportunities for mass adoption of financial technology in the near future.


IFC Supports Nigeria’s FCMB to Finance SMEs Facing COVID-19 Related Challenges

IFC announced a $50 million loan to Nigeria’s First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Limited to help it expand lending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) so they can sustain business activities disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Visa and TerraPay Partner to Drive Domestic Remittances

TerraPay and Visa have today announced a strategic partnership that aims to develop and deliver payment solutions to drive financial inclusion and cashless transactions for domestic payments in Kenya and global remittances to Kenya.


COVID-19: FNFI Backs Nine Microfinance Institutions

The National Fund for Inclusive Finance is putting in place mechanisms to support its partnering microfinance institutions amidst the COVID-19 crisis. 


IFC Finances Garanti BBVA to Support Turkish MSMEs Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

IFC is providing a $50 million senior loan to Garanti BBVA to help micro, small, and medium enterprises weather the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.