
Symbiotics Capacity Building Enhances Access to Affordable Housing for Smallholder Farmers and Microentrepreneurs in Kenya

In a collaborative effort with Juhudi Kilimo Company Ltd “JKL”, Symbiotics Capacity Building, the managing entity of REGMIFA’s Technical Assistance Facility, has unveiled a 24-months technical assistance project aimed at scaling up housing microfinance in Kenya. JKL is a Kenyan microfinance institution that specializes in financing smallholder farmers and microentrepreneurs.

With funding from REGMIFA, Symbiotics Capacity Building facilitates the design and roll-out of JKL’s housing micro loan with the support of Housing Development Finance Consultants Africa “HDFC” Ltd. as technical assistance provider. HDFC is one of the few consulting firms in Africa dedicated to the development and growth of the affordable housing finance in the region. The support encompasses product development, training of JKL staff and the housing value chains actors, and promotes sustainable green housing technologies. In addition, HDFC will oversee the pilot and rollout of the product across JKL’s branch network.