
New Publication: Microfinance for Housing - Building New Foundations in Housing Microfinance

The European Microfinance Platform, (E-MFP) is delighted to announce the release of the latest European Dialogue entitled Building New Foundations in Housing Microfinance, presenting the outcomes of the European Microfinance Award 2017, on Microfinance for Housing. Since the first Dialogue in 2008, several of the previous editions have paralleled the subjects of the now-annual European Microfinance Award, and the Dialogue is an invaluable way for e-MFP to take to an even broader audience what the Award is all about and how microfinance institutions around the world are expanding beyond their core financial services to improve clients' lives.

The publication draws on the fascinating and diverse housing programs of the 2017 Award winner and semi-finalists and distills the varied initiatives into seven factors for success.