
Funding for Research on Access to Energy, WASH, and Food Security for MFIs and Suppliers

The Impact-Based and Action-Driven Research (IMPACT-R) project, focused on enhancing access to basic services in the global South, has just been launched at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and is led by Dr. Natalia Realpe Carrillo, IASS Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow. The project aims to contribute to the interdisciplinary impact assessment sector in the field of sustainable development. More specifically, the main focus of the project is on the improvement of household access to basic services, namely, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) (SDG6), clean and affordable energy (SDG7), and food security (SDG2). 

The project will entail market studies with rural households in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa, to investigate the nexus between energy access, access to WASH, and food security. The collected data will help better inform policy makers and, through research results, identify the best solutions and strategies to support organizations in aiding their communities. Microfinance institutions, rural or commercial banks, NBFIs, cooperatives, NGOs, and basic service suppliers operating in Africa, Southeast Asia, or Latin America interested in conducting these market studies for research purposes can apply for funding for these activities until 25 February 2021.