
FinTech Lab Accelerator Accepting Applications from Startups in Pakistan Through January 31

The publicly traded National Bank of Pakistan, the Pakistan-based consultancy Trioca Ventures and the Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Africa (APMEA) division of Fern Software recently launched the National FinTech Lab (NFL) Accelerator Program for financial technology (fintech) startups in Pakistan. The 15-week program offers a platform for selected startups to develop a working proof-of-concept of their financial solutions integrated real-time with Fern Software’s core banking system. Participating firms will also collaborate with industry stakeholders, including potential customers and investors.

“The NFL program can play a catalytic role in helping State Bank of Pakistan achieve their financial inclusion agenda and transform the lives of millions of people,” said Omer J Ghani, the CEO of Trioca Ventures.

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