
Financial Inclusion Compass Survey 2024: Where Is the Sector Heading? What Pitfalls or Opportunities Are Ahead?

Please take part in e-MFP’s Financial Inclusion Compass 2024 survey of sector trends, open until 6 May!

Since its launch in 2018, the Financial Inclusion Compass has grown to be one of the most important ways of taking the ‘pulse’ of the sector, giving all categories of stakeholder the opportunity to evaluate and describe the importance of various current Trends, rate and give opinions on Future Priority Areas, and provide open-comment qualitative input on the direction of financial inclusion progress – and the pitfalls ahead.

This seventh edition of the e-MFP Compass survey continues this, but there are new current trends and future priority areas to evaluate, some previous ones replaced, different qualitative questions, and a new section on perceived weaknesses in client protection.

Learn more and take the survey >>