
Economic Forum in Moldova Promotes Inclusive Finance

The Development Facility of the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE DF) joined forces with key sector players and other partners, including the Central Banks of Moldova, Armenia, and Georgia, to hold an Economic Forum in Chisinau yesterday. Top among the conference’s themes was the role of regulators and banks in supporting sustainable economic development and the advancement of local currency lending to micro and small enterprises (MSEs).

The forum, entitled "Republic of Moldova: Banking Trends versus Economic Developments", attracted around 100 participants from the Moldovan financial segment as well as from business associations, policymaking bodies, international financial institutions, and local businesses. Held as part of the EU4Business initiative, the Economic Forum provided an interactive platform for exchange on trends in the Moldovan financial and real sectors. Topics ranged from the most effective way for banks to support long-term, dynamic economic growth, to opportunities and challenges in fostering an inclusive and sustainable business environment.