
CGAP Launches Photo and Video Contest: Financial Inclusion in Africa

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor’s (CGAP) 13th annual photo contest, launched today, is seeking striking images on financial inclusion in Africa. For the first time, short video submissions on Africa also will be accepted.

The 2018 contest is open to both amateur and professional photographers and videographers who can visually capture three key areas:

  1. Reaching Excluded People: Mobile phones open markets and access to services for people who are isolated or live in remote communities. Entries in this category should show how digital finance creates new opportunities for excluded Africans.
  2. Brighter Prospects for Young People: There are 600 million people in Africa under the age of 25, and 72 percent of them are unemployed. Submissions in this category should show how financial services can spur entrepreneurship among Africa’s youth.
  3. Digital Finance and Development: Innovative technologies and finance together offer new solutions to address chronic problems such as access to water, energy, and health care. Entries in this category should show ways that financial services are helping advance the Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

Entries may be submitted through 14 December 2018. Each contestant may submit up to 20 photos or videos to compete for the Grand Prize worth $ 2,000.

Contest Details

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