
Banco de Portugal & AFI Organize Their First Training Together as Part of BCPLP Protocol with Support from Banco Central do Brasil

Banco de Portugal (BP) and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) are holding their first training together from 19-23 February, 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. The five-day member training, Programme Training Personal Financial Management Trainers (PTPFMT), is held with support from Banco Central do Brasil (BCB), an active member of the AFI network since September 2010.

In July 2017, AFI signed the Protocol of Technical Cooperation in the field of Financial Inclusion and Education with the Central Banks of Portuguese speaking countries (Bancos Centrais de Países de Língua Portuguesa-BCPLP). The BCPLPs recognize the importance of financial inclusion and consumer education to the economic development, and stability of financial systems in a country. The PTPFMT member training is the first initiative under this agreement.