
Apply for the 2019 P3 Impact Award Now!

The P3 Impact Award was created by Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and theU.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Partnerships to recognize and honor leading public-private partnerships (P3s) that improve communities and the world. Inaugurated in 2014, the P3 Impact Award is presented each fall at the Concordia Summit in New York, New York. The award seeks to highlight leading practices and actionable insights in the P3 arena. For this award, a P3 refers to any cross-sector collaboration that features public, private, nonprofit, or non-governmental organizations and addresses societal problems.

Five Finalist Partnerships are offered the opportunity to present their partnership to a high-level audience at the Concordia Annual Summit and the winning partnership is announced on the Concordia main stage. The winning partnership also receives a scholarship to a week-long Executive Education course at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, and promotion across the social media platforms of all three organizers. All applicants will be considered for eligibility as participants, mentors, or speakers in the U.S. Department of State's Boldline P3 Accelerator program. 

Application Deadline: 19 April, 2019

Award Information>>

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