
AFC Offers Its E-Learning Course on Climate Finance, Resilience and Financing for Biodiversity Impact in East Africa

Aiming to stop and reverse biodiversity loss, biodiversity finance from the KfW Development Bank was included in the existing Agri-finance Enhancement Program of the East Africa Development Bank to set up the Biodiversity Financing Facility. The facility provides biodiversity-enhancing investments to the private sector to change their operations and business models to make a positive contribution to biodiversity and conservation and/or stop and reduce their negative impact on biodiversity, the environment and the natural resources (natural capital) they depend on.

The AFC climate finance & biodiversity experts developed the e-learning course on Climate Finance, Resilience and Financing for Biodiversity Impact. Through this course, bank staff learn about climate risks and opportunities, methods to assess climate risk and offer biodiversity or nature-based adaptation and mitigation solutions to climate proof their clients and reduce the bank’s exposure to climate risk.