Showing 491 - 500 of 517 results
Case Study

Integrating Empowerment in Microfinance: Case of a Self-help Group (SHG) Based Organisation

Evaluating impact of self-help groups on gender relations

African Microenterprise AIDS Initiative: Preventing the Spread of HIV/AIDS by Empowering Women in Africa

How does the African Microenterprise AIDS Initiative intend to combat HIV/AIDS in the continent?

Making the Poor Women Reach Markets: "SEWA's Journey"

Discussing SEWA's approach in organizing rural members

Impact of Credit with Education on Mother's and Their Young Children's Nutrition: CRECER Credit with Education Program in Bolivia

Mixing micro credit, education and health: Interesting results from Bolivia

Microenterprise Lending to Female Entrepreneurs: Sacrificing Economic Growth for Poverty Alleviation?

How do male and female entrepreneurs differ in their use of credit?

From Access To Empowerment: Gender Issues In Microfinance

Does microfinance actually lead to women's empowerment?

Microfinance: A Prescription for Poverty and Plight of Women in Rural Pakistan

How to reduce poverty and improve the condition of women in rural Pakistan?

It Pays to Lend to Poor Women

Micro credit helps women break the cycle of poverty

Enterprise Development - Micro-credit and Equality Between Women and Men

Women's empowerment and micro credit programs
Case Study

Using Microcredit to Advance Women

Analyzing the impact of microcredit on women