FinEquity Guide

On Our Radar: May 2022

A round up of the FinEquity team's top women's financial inclusion and economic empowerment content this month.
Two women look at a phone

An updated take on "What We're Reading", the FinEquity team brings you a curated list of women's financial inclusion and economic empowerment content we've been consuming recently, from podcasts, new initiatives and articles to videos and social posts. We hope you enjoy!

On Our Radar

Ensuring an Inclusive COVID-19 Recovery Virtual Event

At this event, Nigerian Minister of Finance Zainab Ahmed, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Melinda French Gates, and Executive Director of the White House Gender Policy Council Jennifer Klein will discuss pathways to a gender-equal COVID-19 recovery, approaches that donor institutions and governments are taking to achieve their goals, and remaining challenges.

Mastercard Links Employee Compensation to ESGs

Mastercard announced last week that it will now link all employees’ compensation to its environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, after previously committing to doing so only for executives and VPs. Mastercard will focus specifically on targets for reducing its carbon emissions, improving financial inclusion and reaching gender-pay parity. 

5 Women Working for Social Good

Shondaland recently released a list of five women making a difference across various fields from art to mentorship and school lunch advocacy. Check out the list! 

India’s Blanket Approach to Financial Inclusion Is Leaving Women Behind

This article by The Next Billion discusses four ways to close the gender gap in India, which persists despite the governments's efforts to further financial inclusion through the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) program which requires all banks to offer basic savings deposit accounts, helping to ensure basic financial inclusion for all—including women. 

From the CGAP Blog - Can Funders Afford to Ignore Gender Norms?

A recent piece on the CGAP blog by Nisha Singh and Antonique Koning discusses why funders simply cannot afford to ignore gender norms in their financial inclusion work any longer. 

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