Showing 451 - 460 of 517 results

Do Men Really Have no Shame?

Are women-only groups more successful because women have more shame than men?

Does Microcredit Meet the Needs of all Poor Women? Constraints to Participation Among Destitute Women in Bangladesh

Is income generating activity a panacea for the ultra-poor in Bangladesh?
Case Study

Microcredit and Women's Empowerment: The Lokadrusti Case

How has microfinance impacted women's empowerment?
Guide / Toolkit

A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance

Examining methodologies for integrating gender mainstreaming into microfinance initiatives/programs

Evidence on the Social and Economic Impact of Grameen Bank and BRAC on the Poor in Bangladesh

Assessing economic, social and political impact of microcredit programs
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Uganda

How can microfinance institutions extend sustainable services to women?
Case Study

Gender and Microfinance in Bougainville: A Case Study

How can microfinance schemes promote gender equality?

Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority - A Guide to Best Practices

Can microfinance improve the livelihoods of poor women?

Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh: Credit is Not a Panacea

How great is the impact of credit on women's empowerment?