Showing 191 - 200 of 517 results

Using Your Data to Drive Growth in Mobile Money Services: The Mobile Money Customer Journey with a Gender Lens

How can mobile financial service providers better target women?

Women’s Empowerment in Rural Community-Driven Development Projects

How can the community-driven development approach enhance women's participation?

Resilient Markets: Strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment and Market Systems in Fragile Settings

Recommendations for using the three A's framework: Anticipate, Absorb, Adapt

Promoting Gender Equality in Access to Microcredit Through Flexible Lending Approaches of Female Targeting MFIs: Evidence from Duterimbere MFI of Rwanda

How Duterimbere adapted its lending requirements to meet the needs of poor women

Revisiting What Works: Women, Economic Empowerment and Smart Design

What are the most effective interventions to empower women economically?

A Buck Short: What Financial Diaries Tell Us About Building Financial Services That Matter to Low-Income Women

Why do women in emerging markets access and use formal financial services less than men?

The Paradox of Gender-Neutral Banking

Making the case for a gender-intelligent business model

Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

Women’s Financial Inclusion: A Driver for Global Growth

Recommendations for various stakeholders to address challenges to financial access

Gender and Financial Inclusion: Analysis of Financial Inclusion of Women in the SADC Region

Cross-country comparisons of access to affordable financial services for women