Showing 31 - 40 of 75 results

Implications of Access to Microcredit and Social Capital for Female Entrepreneurship in Cameroon

Studying the impact of microcredit on female entrepreneurship in Cameroon

Advancing African Women’s Financial Inclusion

Examining opportunities and challenges to expanding financial inclusion of African women

Country Survey Rwanda: Gender Differences in the Usage of Formal Financial Services

Providing insights into gender differences in the use of formal financial products in Rwanda

Pathways out of the Productive Safety Net Programme: Lessons from Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

Lessons Learned from the Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

A Mantra for a Green Earth: Preliminary TBL Forecast Impact

Understanding the benefits of combining financial and energy aid in Sierra Leone

Microfinance & Gender: Some Findings from the Financial Diaries in Malawi

Identifying gender-specific financial behaviour in Malawi

Microfinance and Gender in the Context of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Nigeria

Should Nigerian MFIs target clients based on their gender?

The Cost of Convenience? Transaction Costs, Bargaining Power, and Savings Account Use in Kenya

What effects does reducing bank account transaction costs have on account holders?

Post-Conflict Action & Microfinance in Sierra Leone

Reconstructing communities through microfinance

Microsavings – Pathway to Financial Opportunities for Women

Empowering women through village savings and loan associations in Africa