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FinDev Blog

Go Big by Going Small: Serving the Needs of Smallholder Farmers

Agriculture has not been an easy nut to crack for the microfinance industry. While small family farms are the basis of agricultural production in developing countries, this sector faces many challenges, especially funding. Funders can help to find better pathways to reach small farmers.
FinDev Blog

Why Have MFIs in the Arab World Been Reluctant to Transform?

Some say regulatory issues, others cite fear of mission drift. But all of these can be overcome.
FinDev Blog

Closing the “Blockchain for Development” Evidence Gap

Have we formed unrealistic expectations for this new technology?
FinDev Blog

Could Blockchain Help Emerging Markets Leapfrog Traditional Technologies?

Leveraging distributed ledger technology to promote financial inclusion and sustainable development
FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Blockchain

These days, it seems like everyone is talking about the revolutionary potential of blockchain. But do such proclamations sometimes have you scratching your head, wishing you understood what blockchain actually is? In this Gateway Guide we start with the ABCs: What is blockchain and why should I care?
FinDev Blog

Why FinDev Gateway Matters for Financial Inclusion

FinDev Gateway's new name is part of a strategic repositioning of the Gateway, which has evolved from a microfinance online repository established nearly 20 years ago into a knowledge-sharing platform engaging the broader financial inclusion community.
FinDev Blog

Why We Changed Our Name

The question that will be on everyone’s mind is why the name change? The simple answer is that the world has changed, and so has FinDev Gateway.
FinDev Blog

Want to Close the Gender Gap in Financial Inclusion? Close the Gender Data Gap First

Data2X calls on key global bodies to recognize the importance of sex-disaggregated data, after attending AFI's Global Policy Forum earlier this month.
FinDev Blog

Past the Tipping Point? A Look at Zambia’s Digital Financial Services Market

Digital financial services (DFS) and FinTech innovations continued to grow in 2017, with increased trust in DFS and more interoperability. But challenges remain...
FinDev Blog

Racing To Become a Leader in Digitally-Enabled Financial Inclusion

With just one telco and a focus on rural markets, Ethiopia challenges many of our assumptions as it creates its own digital finance ecosystem.