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Showing 141 - 150 of 397 results
FinDev Interview

What the Pandemic Taught Us About Savings

Muktinath Bikas Bank offers eight different savings products, specially designed for rural and low-income people in Nepal. The 2020 European Microfinance Award winner shares their experience with savings from before and during the pandemic.
FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 25 Mar - 07 Apr 2021

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks
FinDev Blog

Catalyzing Women's Bank Account Use Through COVID-19 Relief

Women's World Banking partnered with a major public sector bank in India to see what effect the government's COVID-19 payments had on women's account activity. 
FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 11 - 24 Mar 2021

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks
FinDev Interview

One Year On: What a Year of Surveys Tell Us About COVID-19 and Microfinance

2020 was a historic year that demonstrated the resilience of the microfinance sector. Maxime Borgogno of Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation shares why most MFIs they surveyed remain optimistic about the future.
FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 25 Feb - 10 Mar 2021

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks
FinDev Guide

FinDev Guide to Women’s Financial Inclusion and Economic Empowerment

In honor of International Women’s Day, we share a curated list of key resources from FinEquity, the women’s financial inclusion community of practice convened by CGAP.
FinDev Blog

Women As Changemakers Improve Access to Water and Sanitation

How does women’s participation in household investment decisions accelerate access to quality water and sanitation services?
FinDev Blog

Can Financial Service Providers Help Reduce Intimate Partner Violence?

A review of the literature finds that combining microfinance services with social empowerment interventions has been effective, and that measures to reduce the financial stress associated with taking on debt could also help.
FinDev Guide

FinDev COVID-19 Update | 11 - 24 Feb 2021

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past two weeks