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FinDev Blog

Who Is Innovating in the Arab World?

Meet the eight finalists of the inaugural edition of the Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize, presented at the Sanabel Conference in Amman, Jordan.
FinDev Blog

Getting It Right: Providing Financial Services to Refugees

Drawing on the findings from recently released market studies in Jordan and Uganda, here are the top five recommendations for financial service providers (FSPs) willing to contribute to the financial inclusion of refugees.
FinDev Blog

Why Have MFIs in the Arab World Been Reluctant to Transform?

Some say regulatory issues, others cite fear of mission drift. But all of these can be overcome.
FinDev Interview

All You Need Is … Innovation!

In this Gateway interview, Reda Maamari discusses a new regional award which aims to spur innovation for greater financial inclusion in the Arab World, sharing how the Arab Financial Inclusion Innovation Prize (AFIIP) came about, and what it hopes to achieve.
FinDev Interview

More Than Just a House: Building Sustainable Homes for Rural Communities in Mexico

Interview with European Microfinance Award winner, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Préstamo Tosepantomin, about their sustainable housing program for rural indigenous communities.
FinDev Blog

Why Decided to Forego MFI Partnerships

After considering partnering with MFIs for a new asset-based financing program, the biogas system producer realized they'd be better off creating their own program. Here they share their experiences and lessons learned.
FinDev Blog

What’s Working and What’s Not in Social Performance Management?

An honest conversation about social performance in Latin America at the SPTF Annual Meeting
FinDev Blog

Bottom-Up or Top-Down: Which Way Should Regulation Go?

When does microfinance regulation help the institutions it covers, and when does it hinder them? A lively conversation took place at the SPTF Annual Meeting between regulators and the regulated in Latin America.
FinDev Interview

Amplifying Women’s Voices for Financial Inclusion in Africa

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, CEO of the pan-African advocacy organization Graça Machel Trust
FinDev Interview

The Strategic Advantages of Empowering Women

María Cavalcanti, President and CEO of Pro Mujer, talks about gender and leadership with the Portal