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Showing 41 - 50 of 53 results
FinDev Interview

Should We Be Talking About Financial Health Instead of Inclusion?

Carrie Creasey shares why MetLife Foundation has shifted its focus to financial health - a concept that can tell us a lot more than financial inclusion can about how people's use of financial tools impacts their lives.
FinDev Interview

What Are the Funding Gaps in Housing Microfinance?

In this Gateway interview, Sandra Prieto and Laura Hemrika tell us what they expect from their panel session at European Microfinance Week, and provide insights about the importance of funding for housing microfinance.
FinDev Interview

Why We Chose Not To Invest in Microfinance

Ahead of the 7th Annual Central Asian & Caucasus Microfinance Forum, Margot Jacobs, Senior Advisor on the private equity team at East Capital, shares tips for MFIs on becoming more attractive for investors.
FinDev Interview

Can One Billion Women Become Economically Empowered by 2030?

Cindy Drakeman of DoubleXEconomy shares thoughts on women’s economic empowerment and microfinance
FinDev Interview

How To Change Your Vision of Rural and Agricultural Finance

Emilio Hernández of CGAP gives us a preview of the upcoming Boulder RAFP training
FinDev Interview

How Can Microfinance Contribute to Women's Empowerment?

Naila Kabeer, Professor of Gender and Development, sits down with the Gateway ahead of the WEE Forum
FinDev Interview

Amplifying Women’s Voices for Financial Inclusion in Africa

Interview with Nomsa Daniels, CEO of the pan-African advocacy organization Graça Machel Trust
FinDev Interview

Last in Line for Financial Inclusion: How Smallholder Farmers Can Move Forward with Digital Finance

Anita Campion talks agricultural finance with the Gateway, ahead of the Cracking the Nut Conference
FinDev Interview

Enhancing Access to Education with Microfinance Loans for Low-Cost Private Schools

Roshaneh Zafar talks about Kashf Foundation's award-winning program for low-cost schools
FinDev Interview

Leveraging Big Data for Financial Inclusion: Opportunities and Risks

Interview with digital finance specialist Philippe Breul