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Showing 191 - 200 of 397 results
FinDev Blog

It’s Time to Address the Financing Gap for Female Tech Entrepreneurs in Africa

How can we get more investment to women-led companies and more women in the investment pipeline?
FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 25 Jun - 01 Jul 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week
FinDev Blog

COVID-19 Has Made MFI Digital Transformation Even More Urgent: How Can Funders Help?

Belgian development finance institution BIO shares the results of their client survey and how they are changing their practices to better support MFIs
FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 18-24 June 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week
FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 11-17 June 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week
FinDev Blog

Better Homes Support Public Health

What can we do to expand access to housing microfinance in a post-COVID-19 world, and therefore improve health and resilience outcomes not only for families but also our communities and cities?
FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 04-10 June 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week
FinDev Blog

Instant Liquidity Support for Mobile Money Agents

Inclusive fintech Flow shares how they have adapted their model to continue providing a much-needed service during the coronavirus crisis.
FinDev Guide

COVID-19 FinDev Weekly Update | 28 May - 3 June 2020

A roundup of the most relevant coronavirus-related news, resources and events from the past week
FinDev Blog

How Can Financial Technology Serve Smallholder Farmers?

Leading fintech providers discuss how to overcome the challenges and risks in providing financial services for smallholder farmers